Cheaper than cleaning rag, why not? //@Anonymous: who wears a looser's jersey //@Anonymous: That's why you enjoy a discount. Time to buy CR7 Real Madrid jersey or LBJ cavs jersey too. //@Anonymous: ain't they all out of wc
By anonymous on 07/05/2018, 02:17 PM EDT
who wears a looser's jersey //@Anonymous: That's why you enjoy a discount. Time to buy CR7 Real Madrid jersey or LBJ cavs jersey too. //@Anonymous: ain't they all out of wc
By anonymous on 07/05/2018, 02:07 PM EDT
That's why you enjoy a discount. Time to buy CR7 Real Madrid jersey or LBJ cavs jersey too. //@Anonymous: ain't they all out of wc
By cheetah on 07/05/2018, 01:56 PM EDT
Updated, thanks. //@Anonymous: Link to Germany Pre-Game Jersey is broken
By anonymous on 07/05/2018, 01:48 PM EDT
ain't they all out of wc
By anonymous on 07/05/2018, 01:45 PM EDT
Just like Germany //@Anonymous: Link to Germany Pre-Game Jersey is broken