Duh. Women already know the meaning, you guys keep searching. Happy new year!
By anonymous on 01/01/2018, 12:43 PM EST
and flat had to be used as a beer table //@Anonymous: All you need is kneepads.
By anonymous on 01/01/2018, 10:48 AM EST
Women have no need for such a book. They just need to be barefoot and pregnant. And make me some pancakes. //@anonymous: It is 2018 and at this point in history, women are allowed to look for meaning too!
By anonymous on 01/01/2018, 09:24 AM EST
All you need is kneepads.
By anonymous on 01/01/2018, 07:39 AM EST
It is 2018 and at this point in history, women are allowed to look for meaning too!