You can download and listen when you are offline //@anonymous: I have not tried Audible, can you download to listen or it has to be connected to the internet when you listen (thinking about in car, using ipad or an old phone) //@Anonymous: It's not a deal when classics are on youtube for free.
By anonymous on 09/06/2018, 05:54 PM EDT
Some of them are free from Apple Audiobook, such as the world of war, pride and prejudice, etc.
By anonymous on 09/06/2018, 08:59 AM EDT
I have not tried Audible, can you download to listen or it has to be connected to the internet when you listen (thinking about in car, using ipad or an old phone) //@Anonymous: It's not a deal when classics are on youtube for free.
By anonymous on 09/05/2018, 02:23 PM EDT
It's not a deal when classics are on youtube for free.