Instacart is very bad. most of the order are cancelled cause they say out of stock or replaced with items that cost more.
By anonymous on 12/15/2024, 07:24 PM EST
Instacart is the worst, don't trust them if you care about your purchase. They would randomly cancel your delivery with made up reasons.
By anonymous on 12/15/2024, 12:18 PM EST
If you actually buying the things that you need then you are saving money. Your bad shopping habits is your problem. //@Anonymous: you know what? Shouldn't shop at costco at all. Starting with saving money, ended up with spending more. To save $50, you have to spend 80.
By anonymous on 12/15/2024, 02:20 AM EST
Is it possible to make multiple orders with the promotion code?
By anonymous on 12/15/2024, 02:04 AM EST
You trying to be funny? You just said you saved money shopping at Costco. //@anonymous: you know what? Shouldn't shop at costco at all. Starting with saving money, ended up with spending more. To save $50, you have to spend 80.
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 10:07 PM EST
Thank you for the insights. I was able to order and applied both GC & code. This is a good deal since I am a regular shopper at Costco. //@Anonymous: I was able to add both in the same field, coupon first and coupon code next //@Anonymous: How do I add gc and the promotion code together? It seems like I can only add either one.
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 07:50 PM EST
you know what? Shouldn't shop at costco at all. Starting with saving money, ended up with spending more. To save $50, you have to spend 80.
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 05:25 PM EST
I was able to add both in the same field, coupon first and coupon code next //@Anonymous: How do I add gc and the promotion code together? It seems like I can only add either one.
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 02:42 PM EST
Great deal if you combine with instacart’s $80 for $100 gift card.
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 01:54 PM EST
How do I add gc and the promotion code together? It seems like I can only add either one.
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 01:27 PM EST
Prices are usually 15% higher
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 12:25 PM EST
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 11:46 AM EST
The increase Is capped at 12$. So more than 100$ items are best bet. With the 30$ coupon plus 20$ savings in IC gift card you are saving 50$-tip. So still a good deal plus time savings //@anonymous: 20%-30% higher price than in-store, still good to save time though
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 10:04 AM EST
Plus Delivery Tip
By anonymous on 12/14/2024, 09:28 AM EST
20%-30% higher price than in-store, still good to save time though